
APEX Award for Excellence

For Feature Article, “Untangling the Dark Web”

Soroptimist Ruby Award

This program honors a woman who has worked to improve the lives of women and girls through her professional or volunteer work


IEEE Ethical Practices Award (inaugural recipient) ⇒

For exemplary contributions and leadership in developing ethics and social responsibility in students

IEEE William E. Sayle Award for Achievement in Education ⇒

For innovative approaches to engineering education and inspiring young people to pursue a career in engineering

IEEE Outstanding Member for the Boston Section

New England Achievement Award, Engineers Week - New England ⇒

The New England Achievement Award celebrates an individual who has furthered the field of engineering
* BSCES News announcement (pg. 11) [PDF]


Order of the Sons of Italy Public Service Award Law and Justice

Outstanding Large Section Award (for the IEEE Boston Section, under Karen’s leadership) ⇒ 

For their successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries

IEEE Certificate of Recognition for Chairing IEEE Boston Section


IEEE Certificate for Notable Services and Contributions Towards the Advancement of IEEE and the Engineering Professionals

Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Award for Social Impact

Recognized “not only for her contributions in both academia and industry but also as one of the United States leading experts in innovating successful low-cost methods for disseminating engineering and science to youth, parents, educators and the general public to help recruit young women to the STEM disciplines”





IEEE Certificate of Appreciation for Services as Region 1 Chair

IEEE Education Society Harriett B. Rigas Award for Outstanding Educator

For contributions in developing and disseminating innovative educational programs to attract and retain women in electrical and computer engineering


NSF Presidential Award for Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education and Mentoring

The award recognizes “the crucial role that mentoring plays in the academic and personal development of students studying science and engineering—particularly those who belong to groups that are underrepresented in these fields”
Nerd Girls Interview ⇒

IEEE EAB Major Educational Innovation Award ⇒


Norm Augustine Award from the National Academies of Engineering and Science, American Association of Engineering Societies

For communicating the excitement of engineering through outreach activities that promote careers in science and engineering, and encourage youth to improve the environment and change the lives of individuals and communities

State Commissionerate for the Disabled, Certificate of Appreciation


Galaxy Award for Outstanding Mentoring and Leadership to Recruit Young Girls into Science and Engineering, Science Club for Girls

'Be the Change', Massachusetts Conference for Women (chosen by first ladies Mrs. Duval Patrick and Mrs. Thomas Menino)


IEEE Representative for the National Women’s Hall of Fame Induction

IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Certificate for Significant Contribution

Regional Hero Award, Alt-Wheels Festival for Renewable Energy


IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop: Recognition of Dedication

Boston University Outstanding Engineering Alumni Award

Women at Work Museum, Recognized for “Outstanding Contributions to Women in Engineering and Science”

IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Recognition Award for Contributions to the Workshop

Cape Ann Historical Museum, Selected as a Featured Artist for Cape Ann Blossoms Exhibit, Piece Entitled “Our Lady of Good Voyage”

IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Certificate for Significant Contribution


IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Certificate for Significant Contribution


Best Educational Exhibit for the Nerd Girls Project, Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation, “Alt Wheels” Conference 

IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Certificate for Significant Contribution


The Madeline and Henry Fischer Award for Engineering Teacher of the Year, Tufts University

International Test Conference: Technical Contributions

Massachusetts High Tech Magazine, “All Star” Award for Contributions to Technology in MA


IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Outstanding Contributions


International Test Conference: Outstanding Contributions

IEEE Computer Society: Certificate of Appreciation

IEEE North Atlantic Test Workshop, Certificate for Significant Contribution


International Test Conference: Technical Contributions


Tufts University Mentorship/Research Award (with Terry Orfanos)


NASA Curriculum Development Award for EE202: “Digital System Testing and Simulation”

Outstanding Contributions to NASA Research

NASA Curriculum Development Award for the Tufts University Multimedia Minor

NASA Excellence in Research Award

NASA Best Team Poster Presentation, JOVE Conference


NASA Excellence in Research Award

NASA Curriculum Development Award for “Animation for Technical Communications”


Third Place for Student CD-ROM Project on African Drum Music, “Gahu of the Ewe” (in collaboration with the music department), Massachusetts Interactive Media Council (MIMC)

NASA Langley Research Scientist Fellow


Electrical Women Round Table, Julia Kiene Fellowship


Digital Equipment Corporation Fellowship


Digital Equipment Corporation Recognition Award for “Outstanding Research and Performance”


Boston University Alumni Association Outstanding Senior Award